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Why We Run: Some research to tell us why

According to the research by Michael Laux of Burke Inc. and Doug Olberding of Xavier University, there are five runner segments. Their research has shown that runners fall into these categories and sometimes are a little bit of a few. Their research with Pig Works, Why We Run: A Runner Segmentation shows the following:

The Competitive Athlete makes up 19% of the runner segmentation.

For this group, running is personal. Running is freedom. They are runners attempting to be their best and reach their potential.

The Ageless Athlete makes up of 18% of the runner segmentation.

Running is inclusion. Running is rekindled feelings. They are runners who just love being active and will always embed running into their wheel of life.

The Social Athlete makes up 20% of the runner segmentation.

Running is supportive. Running is connecting. They are runners who enjoy time with friends and the support their running group brings.

The Reflective Athlete makes up 23% of the runner segmentation.

Running is therapy. Running is freedom. They are runners seeking self-improvement and independently crafting their plan.

The Reluctant Athlete makes up 20% of the runner segmentation.

Running is necessary. Running is getting them back. They are runners seeking to get in shape and live a healthier lifestyle.

As event organizers, the above information is really interesting and informative. The next generation of runners is upon us. We know for certain that the reason for running has changed over the generations. Having fun is much more important to todays runner than the competitive nature of running of years ago. The work-life balance has made it's way to fitness-life balance as well. And walking or walk/run has soared.

Given the information provided by Michael and Doug, event organizers can rethink themes, size of the event, the purpose of the event, will there be a charity or cause that the runners can donate or fundraise for.

Knowing your audience becomes crucial in regards to marketing and the tone you set in your communication.

As the runner changes, the industry has to change along with them. As the saying goes..."the only constant is change".

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