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Kyle Cameron

Release Notes - 7.28.2023

Following are the release notes for additions, changes and fixes made to our software application releasing between July 14th, 2023 and July 26th, 2023. Release notes are delivered every other Friday. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to


Event Alert if Event Limit is Reached

Added an alert to the event alert bar when the event registration has reached the event limit. Clicking on the alert will take the admin to the setting to change the limit

Metrics & Analytics - Retention Widget

Added a new widget to allow admins to be able to track the retention of their registrants from Year to Year. This was added to the registrant (demographic) widget group. The data from this widget is derived by using the last years compared event and checking to see if a registrant who registered for last year, is registered this year. If so, they are considered retained. The retention widget group features the following metrics:

  • Circular chart of Participants Retained vs Not Retained, with both a count and percentage and downloads of the chart image

  • Report downloads of those retained vs those not retained, to be able to create a campaign list of those who registered last year, that have not this year

  • Ability to hide specific widget

Metrics & Analytics - Referral Widget

Created a new widget group to provide details on referral redemptions using the built in referral share tools in EnMotive. This widget group will be able to provide the following metrics on referrals within an event:

  • Count of Referral Redemptions

  • Count of Referrers (Number of Unique registrations that have shared and had at least one redemption

  • of their code)

  • % of registrations that came from referrals

  • Amount of Revenue that came from referrals.

  • Amount of discount (if any) provided from referrals

  • Amount of refunds that came from referrals

  • Referrer Leaderboard to identify who your top referrers are

  • Ability to filter all widgets by category, sex, age, and date of registrations in order to filter and find which demographics are performing better than others, who may be the top referrer in a certain demographic or who the top referrer was in a 1 or 2 week challenge window.

  • Ability to download the referral report and the referrer leaderboard

Historical and forecast of weather for events are now available

A new tab was created within the event manager to display the weather forecast for an event. When an event is greater than 8 days from the event start time, no forecast is available and will not be shown. When an event is within 8 days of the event start time the page will show the upcoming forecast for an event. When an event is within 48 hours of the event start time, the page will show the same forecast plus include an hour by hour forecast. When an event has completed we will show the actual weather statistics at the event start time. In addition, users can view historical data for an event which displays the weather for the past 3 years on that same event start date and time. Data points that are available include:

  • Temperature

  • Real Feel

  • Humidity

  • Conditions (Clear Sky, Rain, Partly Cloudy, etc.)

  • Sunrise/Sunset

  • Wind Speed/Gusts

  • UVI

  • Probability of Precipitation (48hr Forecast only)


"Removed" categories will no longer be displayed in additional locations

We will no longer display removed categories in multiple locations that these still displayed, which led to confusion or improper mappings. Removed categories are those that have been deleted by an admin. The list of locations that were updated are: (#5962)

  • Adding Corral

  • Managing Category Availability for Corral

  • Email Campaign Recipient List

  • Import Registrations (Participant, Ticket, Volunteer) – Value Mapping Step

  • Import Results & Registrations – Value Mapping Step

  • Import Drawing Selection

  • Event Manager Summary Dashboard - Check-in Summary

  • Metrics & Analytics - Check-in Summary

Last Year Total comparison will always display, even if current count is "0"

We have updated the participant count widget to always display "last year total" and "last year now", when an event is linked. Previously this would be hidden until there was at least 1 qualifying registration, now they will always display as “0” until there is a count. This should avoid confusion in thinking there was an issue with category linking. If an event and category is not linked, the fields will not display.

Optimized Metrics & Analytics Service Refresh

We have optimized the metrics & service refresh which led to a manual refresh taking longer than expected and some users may have experienced an error 500, when attempting to refresh a large event.

"Removed" events will longer display in permissions selection

We will no longer display removed events in the 'Event' dropdown in the Permissions modal for both Custom Event based roles and Event Admin roles. Removed events are those that have been deleted by an admin.

Tenant Products dashboard has been optimized for load

The Products dashboard was optimized to limit results to only show "relevant"

products. This is any product that has not associated been associated with an event for 2 years. This will improve performance and load on the dashboard. The products are still able to be searched and viewed by checking the box to include filtered products.

Send Waiver Reminder Email for admin will now allow for email to be updated

Updated the "Send Waiver Reminder Email" that is present on the /admin/registrations/view page to allow to be sent to a different email address. We will default the email address of the registrant, but will allow it to be changed. A use case for this would be if the email used to sign up a parent or legal guardian went to a different parent than is present with the child, you could change the email for the waiver to send it to the proper parent.

Changed the behavior of products being refunded through the cancel/refund method

Changed the behavior for refunds of products through the cancel/refund method via

/admin/registrations/view. When an admin previously attempted a partial refund amount on a product, the product was being removed, even if the checkbox for “cancel” was not selected. The checkbox never performed as expected, so this has been updated to remove the checkbox and if the refund amount is the full amount, then it will remove the product. If the refund amount is less than the full amount of the product, then the product will remain on the registration.

Refund Report now accounts for refunds of "Renewals"

Updated the refund report to display the recently added refund type of “renewal" which is used within the membership feature.


Home dashboard filters not saving

Resolved an issue with the default home dashboard for events, that was causing some filters to not apply or save, without logging out and back in again

Broken image icon on updating event logo

Removed the broken image icon and 'race logo' label from events who doesn't yet have a logo in the 'Update Event Logo` modal

Duplicate count of negative product options on Income Summary

Resolved a bug that caused a negative product option being displayed twice on Income Summary table and widget, once in the products and once in the product refunds. IT only is to be displayed on the products line.

Product Options staying on registration after change

Resolved an issue where the Product Option was staying on the registration, in addition to the newly selected product option on a product changed instead of replacing it. All affected registrations were updated.

Required product did not respect "allow product for purchase after registration" setting

Resolved an issue where a required product was not respecting the “allow product for purchase after registration” when the setting was disabled. This allowed users who had not added the product (was not available at time of registration) to be able to add the product.

Transaction Report for statement returned empty results

Resolved report returning empty

Interactive Registration List Report missing coupon type

Resolved an issue where the coupon type would not be displayed for coupons, if that coupon had a parent coupon

Donor Reports took abnormally long time to complete

Resolved an issue that was causing both the classic and interactive donor reports to take an abnormally long time to complete

USA Triathlon verification was not presented during a transfer registration

Resolved an issue that was causing the USA Triathlon validation integration to not present during transfer, when required for category

Volunteer Registration form display issues

Resolved an issue where the direct link to a parent category, and its children for volunteer registration did not include the nested child categories. In addition it showed the parent category as being open to register for. We also resolved an issue where if the parent category was closed, but the nested child jobs were still open. The nested child jobs are supposed to inherit the status of the parent category for ease in management.

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