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Kyle Cameron

Release Notes - 6.14.2023

Following are the release notes for additions, changes and fixes made to our application releasing between May 31st, 2023 and June 14th, 2023. Release notes are delivered every other Friday. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to or reach out to your account manager.


Additional Alert Added When No Categories Set for Event

An additional alert was added to notify administrators when there is an event has no categories created and the event status is set to "Open" or "Private".

Auto Close Date for Categories

Created the option for categories to automatically be closed at a specified date and time. This was introduced as there may be a specific category or set of categories that closes prior to the event closing, and the only way to close those was to manually set. Now in addition to the auto event close date, you can set a category auto close date. If the category close date is set after the event close date, the event close date will supersede and be enforced, and the category will not be able to be registered for.

Email Campaign Usability Enhancements

Added several customizations to the email campaign editor that increases the user experience of the feature. The first optimization was to allow admins to preview an email campaign in the same step as editing content. This still allows to preview as a recipient and send a preview, it has been streamlined to do that from the editor, so now if you have additional edits to make, the admin no longer has to click back or close any tabs to continue modifying. The previewer was also optimized to load in a modal window and will always display the merge fields and default placeholders, when not previewing as a participant. The second key optimization was to now see additional editor tabs to the right of the body on desktop and the top on mobile for "Merge Fields", "Content" and "Layout". This provides all merge field and the commonly used elements for a point and click solution. Merge fields were updated to a drawer system to easily sort and find between the various available merge fields, with no longer the need to open a modal window and copy and paste the merge field. Just click in the body where it goes and click on the merge field. "Layout" provides an easy way to create sections with a 2 or 3 column, grids, sidebar, fancy columns and more with a click. Finally "Content" supplies common content types that can be added to the campaign or a section and managed within our WYSIWYG editor further. Both optimization sets above creating further efficiency and ease of use by bringing in industry feature best practices and preventing erroneous mistakes.

New Refund Transaction Created by Bulk Refund Import

Created a new refund transaction related to refunds created by a bulk import of refunds. Previously the transaction just listed as "Refund" with no indication of how the refund was generated, as there wasn't a user on the transaction. Now refunds created by this process will list as "Refunded by Import" and still retain the value and timestamp. This transaction is available for view on the /admin/registrations/view/id history pane.

Public Release Notes Link

Added a link to our public release notes (the blog here), within the event manager under Help & Support for additional access points.


Added additional status filters on coupon redemptions

Added the statuses of `Transferred and Deferred` registration status in 'Filter by Status' dropdown selection in 'admin/coupons/redeemed/' page. These registrations were previously included in `All`, but now will be able to be filtered specifically when viewing

Optimized Display of Products and Add-Ons in Confirmation Emails

Registration Confirmation Emails will not display the products and add-ons in a clearer easy to read format to the user. The format will now consist of "Qty x Product Name - Product Option Name"

Data Matrix Codes for Check-In Delivered by Email Campaigns and Dark Mode

The delivery of our data matrix codes (referred to by many as QR Codes) via an email campaign that are used for check-in of participants at events has been optimized to no longer display as a transparent image. This was previously causing issues on some devices and some applications that had dark mode set, which made it difficult to impossible to scan for check-in. Now, the image will always have a white background

Imports for Volunteers, Tickets and Registrations

On the value mapping step for a category we will now display the "Full Category Name" in the case a category is nested. This will now include the parent(s) category names in the structure format of "Parent :: Child :: Grandchild". Previously a category that was "5K :: Youth 17 & Under" would only list in the import as "Youth 17 & Under"

Additional Validations to Prevent Duplicate Membership Renewals

Added additional validations in certain scenarios that allowed a member to place a renewal in their cart multiple times in the same order and checkout

Removal of renewal option on "Lifetime" Memberships

A membership tier that is set for "LifeTime" will no longer be presented with the question for auto-renewal

Public Registrant Lookup Field Admin UX Optimization

When an administrator manages the fields available for the public registrant lookup feature (for bib assignments, confirm registration), we will now display ALL fields available and prevent the user from being able to disable the required fields. Previously we only displayed the fields that were eligible for disabling, which led to confusion on what fields were being displayed.

Registration Fee Payee Select Menu Optimization

Updated the select menu to a search and select to optimize for tenants that may have multiple organization payees available for selection

Prevent Unintentional Exit on Report Download Modal Window

We will now prevent the accidental exit of the modal window when a report is processing or when it has completed. The user will now be forced to click on the "X" or the "Close" button to close out of the window


Membership Renewal During Bundles

Resolved an issue for a Bundle Registration where membership is valid for one

event, but expires for another, had prompted the user to buy a new membership instead of renewing to meet the membership criteria of the category

Cancellation 500 Error

Resolved Internal Server 500 Error When Canceling and Refunding for a registration as an administrator

Tenant Accounting Dashboard Amount for "Registration Changes"

Resolved an issue causing the incorrect amount to display for "Registration Changes' on the Tenant Financial Summary, that was overcounting the amount

User allowed to register for a category that required membership, with an expiring membership

Resolve an edge case scenario that allowed a user to register for a category that required membership, with membership expiring prior to the event date

Admin unable to assign a product to a registration post-registration

Resolved a product not being available for an admin to add to the registration due to the

registration being in a parent category, instead of the proper child category. We additionally made optimizations to prevent where a user can end up in a parent category instead of the proper child category when in a bundle.

Unable to select a product on the Interactive Registration List Report

Resolved an issue where certain products were unable be selected although they displayed as available in the UI and had been selected by registrations. This did not affect all products.

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