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Packet Pick Up Solutions for a Seamless Experience

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

Event organizers know that ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for participants from the time of registration to event day is crucial to the success of an event. Among the various elements that demand attention, packet pick-up is a pivotal aspect that can leave a lasting impression on the participant. EnMotive’s dynamic bib assignment creates a seamless packet pick-up solution that will not only leave your participants impressed but also eager to return for future events.

PPU Solution 1: Date, Time, Place. The foundation of a successful packet pick-up experience begins with careful planning. After you’ve determined the date and time for packet pick-up, consider a location that is conveniently located and accessible for participants via public transportation (if necessary) or with available parking. Be sure to clearly communicate, well in advance of your event date, this information to participants through email, social media, and your event website, all which are accessible and available through EnMotive.

PPU Solution 2: Dynamic Bib Assignment. EnMotive is the only company who offers dynamic bib assignment. Our innovative and powerful solution is simple, customizable and incredibly flexible. In addition to dynamically assigning bib numbers, the bib label can be personalized with participant name, event date, include shirt size (or other add-on product information), include emergency information or ticket information. Our system costs you nothing while streamlining your packet pick-up process.

Key features include:

  • PACKET PICK-UP SOLUTION is a 10 second check-in

  • DYNAMIC BIB assignment solution

  • PERSONALIZES bibs on-demand

  • Allows registration to stay open up to the START OF THE RACE on race day (more revenue!)

  • Solution saves TIME and RESOURCES

  • ELIMINATES pre-assigning bib process

  • Creates CUSTOMIZED BIB LABELS on-demand (i.e. corral, name, shirt size, home town, etc.)

  • VOLUNTEER friendly technology

  • Bib QR code LINKS to participants' photos and results


PPU Solution 3: Options for Pick Up. It’s difficult to please every participant, however, consider where your participant base is pulling from and consider offering multiple location pick-up options, team or group pick-up days, or emergency only pick-up on event day (if there is no race day pick-up offered.) Out-of-town participants or those living further from the event location might be willing to pay to have their packet mailed to avoid the stress of having to rush to pick up their packet within an advertised time-frame.

PPU Solution 4: We love our Team. Staff and volunteers are the backbone of a seamless packet pick-up process. Ensure that your onsite team, whether a staff member or volunteer, is knowledgeable of the event details, frequently asked questions and registration process. Having a friendly and helpful team enhances the overall experience for participants and fosters a positive atmosphere.

PPU Solution 5: Layout. A well-organized layout is essential to maintain a smooth flow of participants during packet pick-up. Set up clearly marked stations for different tasks, such as bib assignment, t-shirt distribution or additional merchandise sales, onsite registration and participant solutions. Clearly labeled signage and well-defined lines help avoid confusion and keep the process efficient.

PPU Solution 6: Be Prepared. When possible, prepare participants' packets in advance. If you are utilizing EnMotive’s dynamic bib assignment, you will only need to add the bib to prepared packets. In this instance, the prepared packet would include: safety pins, event information, and any promotional items or goodies. If your event includes a t-shirt, this can be added into the prepared packet and separated by size for ease of handing out. If space is unlimited and the t-shirt is being handed out at another station, be sure there is a clear line of sight from bib assignment to t-shirt pick up. If utilizing EnMotive’s dynamic assignment, the t-shirt size can be printed out on the label ensuring that the participant is given the correct t-shirt size.

PPU Solution 7: Communication is Key. Open and clear communication is vital in ensuring a seamless packet pick-up experience. Keep participants informed through various channels about last-minute changes, updates, or reminders leading up to packet pick-up. Respond promptly to any queries or concerns from participants to build trust and a positive reputation for your event.

A seamless packet pick-up experience is the cornerstone of a successful event. By implementing efficient planning, leveraging technology, offering flexibility, and creating an engaging atmosphere, you can leave a lasting impression on participants and ensure they have a fantastic time from start to finish. Remember, a positive experience will not only encourage repeat participation but also lead to word-of-mouth promotion, helping your event grow year after year. So, invest time and effort in perfecting your packet pick-up process, and your event will undoubtedly reach new heights of success.

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