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Meet the Team: Josh

There are few people in this world that are just simply good, funny and wholesome. Josh is one of them. His outlook on life, his approach to the job and how he interacts with the people he meets is genuine. Josh is the guy that you want on your team.

He’s a team player, he will do whatever is asked of him without complaining, and has leaned into learning everything he can relating to not only his specific job but everything that surrounds it so he can be more valuable and helpful. Everyone that works with Josh has nothing but great things to say about him. People naturally gravitate towards him because he is the real deal.

Josh screams FUN and kindness! One of his favorite things is music, and his favorite genre is Nu-Metal, but he doesn't limit himself to just that genre. He loves it all. In the summer you can catch him riding his bike to the beach for the Live on the Atlantic music series on either the 17th, 24th, or 31st street stage or one of the many venues or bars for local music. HIs favorite concert venue is The NORVA which at one point was rated top 10 for acoustics in the United States. With such love for music, it's not surprising that he also love to sing. He drives year-round with the window down and sings his heart out. He also sings at home, while working (but not in meetings), while playing games, well...he sings doing just about everything. His co-workers know that when on site for an event, he wakes up around 3:30 AM and starts his own concert in the shower.

Josh wanted to be quoted in stating that his favorite race is the Space Race of 1969, team USA. Just kidding! It’s actually the Amazing Race on CBS. Just Joshing, he's never seen it. He has his favorite race narrowed down to two events. The Wicked 10K because everyone runs in costumes. When it comes to scenery Josh likes the Chesty Puller in West Point. He is the lead vehicle and gets to listen to music the whole time so of course it's his favorite. The Chesty Puller goes over 2 bridges and through a tiny town with nice views of the water. His favorite event, not race related is The Blue Ridge Rock Fest, I have gone 3 times. BRRF is a 4 day music festival, this year they had 180 bands.

Josh's career path has never taken him down the same road twice. His diversity and unique background gives him perspective and loads of life experience. At age 11 he had a few clients he would cut grass or landscape for. His first tax paying job was when he was16. He worked on all the parts of a checkout lane: printers, credit card machines, cash registers, scanner scales, etc. Because he was so young, the company kept him in the office working on the equipment and the certified team would then take the fixed parts onsite. Another interesting job was working in the promotions department for a radio company named Max Media which consisted of 5 radio stations. As expected, the money was not the best, but it was fun to DJ, get free tickets to events and meet artists. After his radio gig, he worked for the Virginia Beach Town Center for eight years. While at his job with the Town Center, he tore his labrum playing basketball. This injury lead him to have Physical Therapy and also opened his mind up to becoming a Physical Therapist. During his PT schooling he started contracting for a racing company where he met Adam Swansen with the EnMotive timing team. Upon completion of his degree, Josh practiced Physical Therapy at a Skilled Nursing Facility for three years until he took the job with EnMotive. That's an amazing journey, and it's only just beginning.

Josh with his 1 year and 4 month old niece. He would never say 16 months. That's just not him!

Josh shared how he feels about everything that is currently going on in our world, "We humans need to be more compassionate, nice, and loving. The world is harsh, and it doesn’t cost anything to treat people with respect. I believe that little things are big things, and it doesn’t take much to make someone’s day better. One of my favorite quotes is actually from a Michael Jackson song and it sums up perfectly how I feel, “If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change”. Ultimately it starts with you. I think a lot of people follow and state they want change but never step out of their comfort zone to assist in making changes. You can’t make people change but you can lead by example and hope that it is contagious. Even if you think no one is watching your efforts will be seen by the most unlikely person. Maybe it's someone you don’t know that you have made an impact on. You never know what people are going through. As a society we don’t need to move mountains as individuals, we need to all carry our weight to make the changes we want and by doing so we can move the world".

Josh's personality is certainly contagious. His co-workers at EnMotive have even kept a journal of funny quotes from Josh. Here are a few:

  • “I didn’t hear rock lobster one time when I was in Maine and I’m disappointed".

  • At a leather producer. “What do you think they say here when they make a really good product? Holy Cow!".

  • “It was buy one get one the same price so I got two”.

  • To google, “I need answers”.

It's clear that Josh is a gem. He received a huge honor from his best friend, confirming that Josh really walks the walk and talks the talk. His best friend named his son after him. His friend has gone through some really dark times and shared with Josh that the reason he named his son after him was because Josh was the only reason he is alive today. To Josh, helping his best friend is effortless because it's who he is, not who he pretends to be. It's the things we should naturally be doing for each other; showing compassion and helping when needed. It’s the small things that count. And those small things can turn out to be really big things.

At every EnMotive weekly staff meeting, after Josh presents his status, he always ends with "OVER".

So it's fitting that we do that same here....


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