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Meet The Client Support Specialist Team

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

Our partners know that a happy participant is the result of a good experience. The customer experience starts the minute a participant decides to participate. EnMotive has staff dedicated to providing exceptional and personalized customer service to partners. Forbes surveyed more than 1,000 people and asked them what influences exceptional customer service. People repeatedly stated they wanted to be treated like a valued customer which means being treated with respect and dignity. Customers are people and should not be thought of as an account or transaction number. Our Client Support Specialist team has industry experience and knowledge, but they are also people who are passionate and compassionate, bringing dedication and commitment to the company.

Let's get to know the team:

Joelle Scheg

Joelle's background brings so much to this amazing team. From wrangling pigs and cows to working in a law office and the entertainment business, her diverse and unique experiences make Joelle the perfect person to work with our partners and participants.

When she's not working hard at EnMotive, she is enjoying time with her husband, kids and dog. When time allows, she also enjoys reading, walking, listening to music, horseback riding and gardening.

It's not surprising that some of her favorite events revolve around community support and at the top of her list are the Drake Road Races, Drake Relays, Grand Blue Mile, Illinois Marathon and Statesman Cap10K.

Suzanne Jones

Have you ever met someone with determination? If not, let me introduce you to Suzanne who doesn’t let anything stop her. Determination has helped her run (and finish) several marathons while being a mom to three (wonderful and talented) teenagers. While running and spending time with her family are at the top of her list, Suzanne also enjoys reading for book club, cooking (when it’s not just for family dinner), playing the piano and singing. On her bucket list? Run a 50K (of course!) and a family trip to Europe before the kids fly the coup.

Kimberly Leonard

Kim is the mom of FOUR boys. If you can manage four boys, you can manage anything. She is incredible at her job because of the experience she brings to the team. Kim was a realtor prior to joining EnMotive. It's clear that working with people and attention to detail is her strength. To keep up with her family and career, she fuels up with her favorites; Greek salads and Mexican foods! Her favorite work event as well as her personal favorite is the Detroit Free Press marathon. Yes! Kim finds time to train and run marathons.

Jessica Mensing

Jessica has an amazing zest for life and all things motorsports. Her favorite events are the Chili Bowl Nationals, CLASH At the Coliseum, Crandon Off Road and Snocross. She loves sharing her fun nature with her husband and four year old son Lincoln.

When she’s not helping our partners and participants get all their ducks in a row, she can be found at one of the two racetracks on her property. And speaking of fowl, she hopes to start raising chickens later this year.

Eileen Lamontagne

When Eileen started working in the industry in 2016, she had a customer service background, but very little experience in the endurance sports industry. She used to think runners were crazy people who woke up at 5am to run 10 miles before work. Now that she’s been working in the endurance industry for some time, she realizes that all runners are not crazy. Her event passion: Triathlons. Those who run, bike and swim are people with a lot of heart, who work hard and play even harder. Athletes that live their life to the fullest…they are who inspire Eileen every day. Adding to all the fun, Eileen has a son Jason and a dog (or more, whose counting!)

Claire Payne

Some fun things to know about Clare is that she loves Mexican food, specifically frozen margaritas and churros. She has a brand new baby boy Mateo and a cat named Leo. Before settling down, you could have found Clare in Greece, swimming in the Mediterranean. High on her bucket list is a trip to Paris and staying in a room with a view of the Eiffel Tower. But the most fun fact about Clare is that she comes from a family of 10 kids, 9 girls and 1 boy! Oh Boy!!!

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