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Strong Today. Stronger Tomorrow. Strongest Together.

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

At first glance, EnMotive looks like a company that provides savvy technology and produces amazing events! We pride ourselves on having an incredible platform to support endurance races, ticketing events, high school sports and so on. We are leaders in the industry for registration, photography, timing. We also have an inspirational group of employees who work day in and out to create experiences for about 1 million people a year.

Let's take a closer look at the individuals we indirectly meet. The ones that cross the finish line over our timing mats. The ones our photographers capture. The participants that register on our platform. They are the ones that make a difference in who and what we are as employees and as a company.

Participants range from those who participate “simply for the fun of it” or perhaps they lost a bet and have to run in a costume. Or maybe it’s because the cause or charity the event supports means something special to them.

Our very own Adam Swansen has worked in the industry and at EnMotive as our Director of Timing Operations for 12 years. He has coordinated, timed and helped out at thousands of events. The work is never easy, but after that last participant crosses the finish line, you know that you had a good day. And he does it again and again. The EnMotive team works very hard and diligently during each event that we often forget to stop "and smell the roses". Sometimes the most unlikely moments are the ones that helps us put life into perspective and reminds us that what we do day in day out has a purpose.

A few months ago, Adam did not feel like himself. Nothing major, nothing extreme, just this feeling that something wasn't quite right. So off to the doctor he went and much to his surprise he was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. The shock, the disbelief, the fear, the unknown. "This can't be happening? I'm a healthy guy, I'm young, I'm active." Cancer is an ugly beast and doesn't discriminate. In Adam's case, he was incredibly fortunate to be diagnosed at an early stage, had surgery, recovered and is able to get back to all of the things he loves , including timing and supporting events.

While he shared his story with me, I immediately asked if I would be able to share it with all of you. It's so worth sharing!

For years and years, Adam supported and worked The Virginia Beach - "Don't Sit on Colon Cancer 5K". Year after year he knew about the non-profit, he knew what they were raising funds for, but as we all do, we make a quick mental note and we do our jobs, and we do it well. So when Adam received the news about his cancer, he immediately thought of all the people running/walking, volunteering and cheering at the Don't Sit on Colon Cancer 5K. An event that he had worked for so many years. The connection was instantaneous. The reality of what the event means to so many hit home. The fact that for so many years he supported the event, never thinking that the work that the doctors and researchers do would one day impact him. Surgery is one step, but treatment, counseling and continuous support are also huge parts of the whole process.

The power of connection can be strong and can resonate with participants.

Here is a patient’s story:

Despite the challenges, setbacks and exhaustion Dulcie Grabarczyk faced while battling colon cancer in her early 40s, she remains upbeat about the direction her life has taken and her ability to educate others about the disease. Grabarczyk, the patient speaker at this year’s Don’t Sit on Colon Cancer 5K, especially wants to reach those under 50, the recommended age for a colonoscopy. After surgery, treatment and a brutally painful recovery she has a very positive outlook. “In a sense, cancer provided me with one of my greatest gifts,” Dulcie says. “It gave me the opportunity to re-evaluate what I want to do with my life. Sometimes life takes you on a different path and it was time to make a change.”

Many of our partner events have a cause they stand behind and support and we want to stand there with them. Thru EnMotive’s fundraising feature, participants and supporters can raise funds towards something that makes a difference. We take pride knowing, that in a small way, we helped facilitate that support.

This blog is all about support. The opportunity to share Adam's story gave us a moment to pause and reflect. Everyone is so busy being busy, that we sometimes don't realize the impact we have on other people. We, as a company and as employees, can make a difference in people's lives. We develop software, we produce events, we time events, we photograph events, we have a platform designed to support our partners' endeavors, but at the end of the day, what we hope we are really providing is happiness, hope, strength and the ability to come together with our race directors, our non-profit organizations and our participants. Our amazing staff knows how important it is to brighten someone's day. Strong today. Stronger tomorrow. Strongest together.

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Unknown member
Sep 01, 2022

That's my boy.

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