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Features & Enhancements: May Updates

Updated: May 23, 2023

EnMotive does not stop at good. We continue to enhance our products to make your experience great. Check out the features and enhancements made in May:

  • Results Attrition Widget

  • Registration Search Optimizations

  • Permission Assigning Optimizations

  • Admin Bib Assign Validation

  • Event Alert Bar

  • And More...

Let's take a look at how each update will enhance your event and how it will benefit both your participants and your bottom line.


Continuing with our metrics and analytics project, we have added widgets to enhance availability of data. We will continuously add widgets to better enhance information. Coming soon is the weather widget which will give you data on what the weather was like on race day and how it might have impacted participation. The results widget give the admin the ability to see each registration category, provides counts and percentages of registered vs picked up vs finished and the information is filterable. This specific widget has been requested by many of our partners. The most useful application of this widget is that it provides metrics for future on-site event needs, helping manage the purchases for medals, shirts and post event refreshments, adding in planning and better budgeting.

PRO TIP: It's customizable. The information that is important to you can be exactly what you see.


This update is an admin update within the application. This does add volunteers and memberships. Prior to this update we only included participants. This update also cleans up the data search. It allows the admin to search in a meaningful way to the user. The information you are looking for is not the information that you will be able to reach for and easily receive.


Minor changes have been made on this feature. It has made finding and assigning roles much easier and more clear.

It will sort roles to most frequent, then by alphabetical order.


This update brought the same validation as our on-site scanners. This allows to assign ranges for corrals and event type. If you are hosting a 5K and 10K, you can assign bib ranges for each event. If an admin assigns a bib outside the allowed range, the user will be prompted. An admin will be allowed to override this feature when needed.

PRO TIP: This will keep errors to a minimum.


This feature was brought up last month, but we wanted to bring it up again to allow for feedback.

This feature will enhance the admin setup experience and set up alerts.

There are still some changes and updates that we are working on to make this feature more accurate and specific. There are additional alerts that we would like to bring in based on our partners feedback.


A Few Highlights

  • Coupons: Once a coupon is redeemed, we are going to prevent the discount value or discount type to be changed. It's an added control for your event. It will also make your reports more accurate

  • Auto-Open Registration has been expanded to "Open Registration On". Previously it was only auto-open from close.


Transparency is very important to us, both with our team and with our partners. Here are a few bugs that we have encountered and have been able to address.

Watch the entire webinar and get all details by clicking the link below.

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